巻 Volume 号 Issue 論文名 Title 著者 Authors 最初のページ First page
35 1 野外土壌に撒布された蛆虫卵の発育と変性 片倉賢,浜田篤郎,小林昭夫 1
Cestodes of the Genus Cephalobothrium Shipley and Hornet, 1906 (Lecanicephaliidae), with Description of C. ghardagense n. sp. and C. taeniurai n. sp. from the Red Sea Fishes MOUSTAFA M. RAMADAN 11
Studies on the Lung Fluke, Paragonimus westermani-Diploid Type, in the Northen Part of Hyogo Prefecture, Japan V. Geographical Distribution in Mikata-gun and Kinosaki-gun TOSHIYUKI SHIBAHARA 17
実験的ウサギ孤虫症における凝集反応と間接蛍光抗体法を用いた抗体産生の研究 大西義博,高倉吉正,吉村裕之,坪田宜之 25
A Cross-compatibility Study of Guatemalan and North Venezuelan Onchocerca volvulus to Simulium metallicum from Two Countries HIROYUKI TAKAOKA,ISAO TADA,YOSHIHISA HASHIGUCHI,MINORU BABA,MASATAKA KOLENAGA,JOSE ONOFRE OCHOA A.,JACINTO CONVIT,LUIS YARZABAL 35
岐阜県東部地方産サワガニにおけるウェステルマン肺吸虫(二倍体型)の地理的分布 塩飽邦憲,千種雄一,角坂照貴,金子清俊,近藤繁生 43
広節裂頭条虫 Diphyllobothrium Tatum (Linn6, 1758)8)ヒト実験寄生に認められた卵排出周期性 加茂甫,矢崎誠一,福本宗嗣,前嶋條士,川崎寛中 53
A Simple Method for the Titration of Anti-Toxoplasma Antibodies with a Small Volume of Blood of Mice Using PKU Filter Paper and an Indirect Latex Agglutination Test YASUHIRO SUZUKI,AKIO KOBAYASHI 59
Experimental Eosinophil Accumulation in Mice by a Thiol Protease from Metacercariae of Paragonimus westermani FUSANORI HAMAJIMA,KAZUO YAMAKAMI,SUMIAKI TSURU 63
Studies on Chemotherapy of Parasitic Helminths (XXV) Neuropharmacological Action of Niclosamide on Dipylidium caninum MAMORU TERADA,AKIRA I. ISHII,HIDETO KINO,MOTOHITO SANO 67
Infection- and Migration Route of Strongyloides pavonis Larvae in Chicks HISATAKE NOJIMA,MIKIO KAWANABE,SHINICHI NODA,ATSUO SATO 71
35 2 Studies on Filariasis V : Exsheathment of Brugia pahangi and B. malayi Microfilariae in the Mosquitioes, Aedes aegypti, Ae. togoi, Culex pipiens molestus and Armigeres subalbatus NOBUO OGURA,MUTSUO KOBAYASHI,HITOMI TSURUOKA,YUICHI CHIGUSA,HISASHI YAMAMOTO 75
最近みられた顎口虫症患者の剛棘顎口虫幼虫抗原を用いた間接蛍光抗体法による検討 近藤力王至,赤尾信明,高倉吉正,吉村裕之,荒木恒治,赤羽啓栄 83
Penetration of Third-Stage Larvae of Angiostrongylus cantonensis In Vitro  I. Penetration Apparatus and its Application KAZUYOSHI ARAKI,SHOJI UGA,TAKEO MATSUMURA 89
本州における多包虫症の文献的考察 高橋昭博,山口富雄,稲葉孝志,林博昭 95
Antibodies to Nurse Cell and Various Stages of Trichinella spiralis in Patient Sera HONG-KEAN OOI,MASAO KAMIYA 109
日本産膵蛭 (Eurytrema Pancreaticum 及び E. coelomaticum) の電気泳動法による検討 井上徹,吾妻健,波部重久 115
Eosinophil Chemotactic Factor-Release from Guinea Pig Neutrophils after In Vitro Stimulation with Strongyloides ratti Larvae MAKOTO OWHASHI,TATSUYA ABE,MASATAKA KORENAGA,YUKIFUMI NAWA 121
大平肺吸虫 Paragonimus ohirai 3酵素(GOT, LGG, PGM)アイソザイ ムの遺伝様式 吾妻健,波部重久 127
An Immunopathological Study of the Liver of the Mice Infected with Toxocara canis NOBUAKI AKAO,KAORU KONDO,HIROMI SAKAI,HIROYUKI YOSHIMURA 135
Distribution of the Cysteine Protease in Spirometra erinacei Plerocercoid (Cestoda : Diphyllobothriidae) TOHRU FUKASE,YOSHIFUNII MATSUDA,SUNIIYUKI AKIHAMA,HIROSHI ITAGAKI 141
Proteolysis of Collagen by a Thiol Protease from Paragonimus westermani Metacercariae KAZUO YAMAKAMI,FUSANORI HAMAJIMA 145
An Electron Microscopic Study on Toxoplasma gondii Treated with Heat-stable Hemolysin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa ASAO MAKIOKA,AKIO KOBAYASHI,MOTOHIRO MATSUURA,J. YUZURU HONMA 149
35 3 Natural Infection of Sparganum Mansoni in Cats Captured in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan SHOJI UGA,MASAYOSHI GOTO,TAKEO MATSUMURA,NOBORU KAGEI 153
剛棘顎口虫 Gnathostoma hispidum Fedtschenko, 1872 の生活史に関する研究 第2報.ドジョウ寄生の第3前期幼虫を直接ブタに与えた実験 赤羽啓栄,真子俊博 161
Praziquantel による肝吸虫症の集団治療 横川宗雄,吉村堅太郎,神谷晴夫,谷重和,石田和人, 石郷岡清基,山下恵子 165
Two New Species of the Vampirolepis (Cestoda Hymenolepididae) from Japanese Shrews ISAMU SAWADA,MASASHI HARADA 171
A New Cestode, Atelemerus major n. sp. Found in a Marine Fish in Japan (Pseudophyllidea : Echinophallidae) YOSHINORI TAKAO 175
Experimental Infection of the Freshwater Crabs, Geothelphusa dehaani, with the Cercariae of Paragonimus miyazakii JUNICHI GYOTEN 183
The Longitudinal Cuticular Markings of Dirofilaria immitis Adult Worm SHIGEHIKO UNI,SUEHISA TAKADA 191
旋毛虫感染マウスの治療におけるMebendazoleの投薬法の検討 中尾稔,中谷和宏,久津見晴彦 201
沖繩本島における猫の寄生蠕虫相 安里龍二,長谷川英男,国吉真英,比嘉健俊 209
A survey on Gnathostoma hispidum Fedtschenko, 1872 in Jiangxi, People's Republic of China WEN CHANG HUANG,FEN BAO XIA,MASATAKA KOGA,YOICHI ISHII 223
蠕虫感染宿主におけるIgE 抗体に関する研究 Ⅱ. Nippostrongylus brasiliensis 感染ラットのIgE 抗体産生 渡辺直煕 229
Experimental Infection of the Blackfly Simulium takahasii with Brugia pahangi HIROYUKI TAKAOKA,MINORU BABA,YOSHIKI AOKI 237
日本住血吸虫とOncomelania 属貝における共通抗原性 岩永雲,片山精壮,辻守康 243
The Influence of Shadowing on Emergence of Schistosoma haematobium Cercariae during Daytime SHINICHI NODA,KATSUYUKI SATO,ATSUO SATO,TATSUYA KATSUMATA,HISATAKE NOJIMA,NGETHE D. MUHOHO 249
Cryptosporidium in Cell Culture EDWARD D. WAGNER,MERCY PRABHU DAS 253
A Method for Isolation of Exsheathed Microfilariae of Brugia pahangi NOBUO OGURA,MUTSUO KOBAYASHI 257
Inhibition of Respiratory Activities of Giardia lamblia by Halogenated Bisphenols KOJI KAWAMURA,TSUTOMU TAKEUCHI,SEIKI KOBAYASHI 261
Presence of Syphacia vandenbrueli Bernard, 1961 (Nematoda : Oxyuridae) in Japan HIDEO HASEGAWA 265
35 4 Cryptosporidium and Pneumocystis in the Immunosuppressed Mouse EDWARD D. WAGNER,MERCY R. PRABHU DAS 273
Acid Phosphatase Variations in the Microfilariae of Dipetalonema perstans and Loa loa from the Jos Plateau, Nigeria GAD O. UFOMADU,GORDIAN O. C. EKEJINDU,ISAO TADA,KUNINORI SHIWAKU,BERTRAM E.B. NWOKE 279
Some Hydrolyzing Enzymes, Especially Leucine Amidases, in Adult Spirometra erinacei (Cestoda ; Diphyllobothriidae) TOHRU FUKASE,YOSHIFUMI MATSUDA,SUMIYUK I AKIHAMA,HIROSHI ITAGAKI 287
Detection of Specific IgE Antibodies in Guatemalan Onchocerciasis by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) MASATAKA KORENAGA, ISAO TADA, YOSHIHISA HASHIGUCHI, HIROYUKI TAKAOKA,MINORU BABA,JULIO C. CASTRO,GUILLERMO E. ZEA F. 2995
Studies on the Lung Fluke, Paragonimus westermani-Diploid Type in the Northern Part of Hyogo Prefecture, Japan  VI. Experimental Oral Infection of Wild Boars and Pigs with the Metacercariae TOSHIYUKI SHIBAHARA,HIROSHI NISHIDA 303
Polyclonal B-cell Activation and Immunosuppression Induced by Fraction Derived from the Surface of Trypanosoma gambiense MIKIO OKA 313
ツボガタ吸虫 Pharyngostomum cordatum (Diesing, 1850)のメタセルカリアの走査電子顕微鏡による観察 中元緑 323
沖繩県の肺吸虫について 横川宗雄,佐藤良也,長谷川英男,高井昭彦,大鶴正満,安里龍二,金沢保,畑英一 331
ヌードマウス肺における Pneumocystis carinii および Pneumocystis carinii 肺炎の透過型電子顕微鏡的研究 山田稔 339
Toxocara tanuki Yamaguti, 1941 による実験的幼線虫移行症の研究 岡本敬 355
Studies on Chemotherapy of Parasitic Helminths (XXVI). Comparative In Vitro Effects of Various Anthelmintics on the Motility of Angiostrongylus costaricensis and A. can tonensis MAMORU TERADA,BEATRIZ O. RODRIGUEZ,ALI M. DHAREJO,AKIRA 1. ISHII,MOTOHITO SANO 365
広東住血線虫(Angiostrongylus cantonensis) のリンゴカイ(Ampuilarium sp.) への感染実験 内川隆一,森大三,佐藤敦夫 369
A Survey of Meat Inspectors in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, for the Presence of Anti-Toxoplasma gondli Antibodies by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay EIJI KONISHI,JUNKO TAKAHASHI,RYOHEI SATO,TOSHIHARU TAKAO,SHOSHIN ANADA 373
35 5 Penetration of Third-Stage Larvae of Angiostrongylus cantonensis In Vitro II. Invasion to and Passage through the Rat Stomach, Duodenal, Rectal Walls and Skin KAZUYOSHI ARAKI,SHOJI UGA,TAKEO MATSUMURA 389
犬蛆虫幼虫 ES 抗原複合糖質の各種レクチンに対する反応性による解析 赤尾信明,近藤力王至 395
Influence of X-ray Irradiation on the Proliferative Ability of the Germinal Layer Cells of Echinococcus multilocularis KENJI OHNISHI 403
Enhancement of Serum Somatomedin Activity and Cartilage Mitotic Activity in Snell Normal and Dwarf Mice Infected with Spirometra erinacei Plerocercoids KUNINORI SHIWAKU,KAZUMITSU HIRAI,TAKAFUMI TSUBOI,MOTOMI TORII 411
Detection of Antibodies to Pneumocystis carinii by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay in Patients with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) TAKAHISA FURUTA,KIYOKATSU TANABE,MASANORI HAYAMI,YOSHIHIRO OHTA,HIROSHI TANAKA 419
Studies on the Lung Fluke, Paragonimus westermani-Diploid Type, in the Northern Part of Hyogo Prefecture, Japan  VII. Experimental Oral Infection of a Red Fox with the Metacercariae TOSHIYUKI SHIBAHARA,HIROSHI NISHIDA 427
The First Case of Diplogonoporiasis in Chiba Prefecture, Japan TAMOTSU KANAZAWA,HIDEKAZU HATA,TAKAHIKO OZAKI,TSUKASA FUJII 433
Immunodiagnosis of Schistosomiasis haematobia Using Eggs Collected from Human Urine as Antigen MEZUKI HIRATA,TOMOYUKI HIEDA,HIROSHI TSUTSUMI,MASAAKI SHIMADA,KATSUYUKI SATO,DAVY. K. KOECH,EDITH WAMBAYI 437
モノクローナル抗体による日本住血吸虫の虫卵周囲沈降反応に関する研究 小林富美惠 445
Eosinophil Accumulation in Guinea Pigs by a Collagenolytic Fragment Induced by a Metacercarial Protease FUSANOR I HAMAJIMA,KAZUO YAMAKAMI 457
オースリラリア産輸入牛から分離し,実験室内で継代に成功した単包虫について 中尾稔,大西健児,久津見晴 461
Morphological Difference in Cross Sections of the Advanced Third Stage Larvae of Gnathostoma spinigerum, G. hispidum and G. doloresi HIROSHIGE AKAHANE,MOTOHITO SANO,TOSHIHIRO MAKO 465
Natural Infection with Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Ampullarius canaliculatus (Lamarck) in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan KENICHI NISHIMURA,YOSHIYA SATO 469
35 6 Cestode Fauna of Fishes in River Ganges around an Indian Subhumid Region  I. Senga gangesil n. sp. from Mystus vittatus DAMYANTI GAIROLA,SANDEEP K. MALHOTRA 471
Experimental Chagas' Disease in Athymic Nude (rnu/rnu) Rats : Histopathological Characteristics and Kinetics of Appearance of Amastigotes SACHIO MIURA,TSUTOMU TAKEUCHI 475
Trematodes of the Genera Ifelicometra Odhner, 1902 (Opecoelidae) and Apharyngogyliauchen Yamaguti, 1942 (Gyliauchenidae) from the Red Sea Fishes MOUSTAFA M. RAMADAN 483
Comparative Aspects on the Fertility and Viability of Hydatid Cysts in Sheep from North Jordan SAMI K. ABDEL-HAFEZ,IFISAN M. SAID,FADWA M. AL-YAMAN 491
Effects of Milhemycin D on the Motility of Angiostrongylus cantonensis and A. costaricensis MAMORU TERADA,ALT M. DHAREJO,MOTOHITO SANO 497
Development of the Japanese Liver Fluke and Pathological Changes in the Snail Host Lyninaea truncatula TADASHI ITAGAKI,HIROSHI ITAGAKI 505
北海道の犬,猫,キタキツネに寄生する糞線虫,およびその虫卵とフィラリア型幼虫の抵抗性 宮本健司 512
Two Species of Cryptosporidium Naturally Infecting House Rats, Rattus norvegicus MOTOHIRO ISEKI 521
Paragonimus westermani, Diploid Type, from Otaki-machi in Chiba Prefecture, Japan TAMOTSU KANAZAWA,HIDEKAZU HATA,TETSUTO KANZAKI,MUNETOSHI NIIMURA,SOMEI KOJIMA,MUNEO YOKOGAWA 527
チ力由来裂頭条虫 (Diphyllobothrium sp.ind.) と Diphyllobothrium ditremum (Creplin, 1825) の形態学的,生物学的差異について 矢崎誠一,福本宗嗣,加茂甫,山根洋右,阿部顕治,宮本健司 534
Haemagglutinating Activity and Melanin Deposition on Microfilariae of Brugia pahangi and B. malayi in the Mosquito Armigeres subalbatus NOBUO OGURA 542
岡山県における肝吸虫症の疫学的研究 (8)児島湾沿岸地域のヒトについ ての調査成績 初鹿了,清水泉大,大山文男,沖野哲也 550
A Case Report of Sarcocystis Infection in a Lesser Flamingo KOICHI MURATA 555
Does Relapse Occur in Chickens Recovered from Infection with Leucocytozoon caulleryi? TAKASHI ISOBE,KAZUO AKIBA 558