Subject: Malaysian Soc for parasitology and trop Medicine (MSPTM ) & Veterinary Association malaysia (VAM) Annual scientific conference
Ladies and gentlemen,
Please find attached information on the Annual scientific congress for 2 Mlaysian Societies as follows:-
1. MSPTM – Malaysian Society of Parasitology and tropical medicine
Date: 24-25 March, 2010.
Venue: Grand Seasons Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Registration : RM 400-500 depends on membership
2. VAM – Veterinary Association Malaysia
Date: 30July-1 Aug 2010
Venue: IOI palm garden, Putrajaya, Malaysia
Registration: RM 450-550
Papers for oral and poster welcome. Please see attached flyers.
Thank you,
Dr Chandrawathani P.
Veterinary research Inst., Ipoh , Malaysia
Have a nice day!
PDF file